Sunday, January 4, 2009

Lesson 4: The Good News- Stacy Wells Provides Free 30 Day Coaching

2008 was a year of new beginnings. There was an abundance of change which took place throughout the year. Some of which was good change, and some of which was perceived to be negative. When you turn on the television and more specifically, the news, we are filled to the brim with overwhelming amounts of negativity from all over the world. Change is occurring at a rapid rate. We are in a so called “recession”, and many people have suffered in this time of change financially, emotionally and physically. But remember, YOU get to decide what you believe. If you choose to take a look at all of the change and see the GOOD amongst all of the bad, do you think it would put a different perspective on the way you perceive that particular situation? I can assure you that even in the so called darkest of times, there is a light that shines just as bright. With every bad comes good. You choose how you view this world and if you decide to see the good news, it can change your life. What some people see as a financial crisis in our country, I see as a new found financial awareness! People are starting to make decisions based on needs rather than wants. People have put a hault to charging everything they want and can’t afford onto a credit card, and instead have started purchasing what they need and can afford with cash. We as a society are beginning to live within our means, and that’s GOOD NEWS.

With everything, there is an opportunity to seek out the good that it brings.
If you decided to quit smoking for this New Year, and you slipped up and had a cigarette, it’s good news! It has created an opportunity for you to learn from the situation and move forward into your greatness. For when you choose to view the positive aspects of things, not only will it keep your mind positive and your outlook optimistic, but it will also enrich your spirit. I challenge you to seek out the good news, for there is good news in everything!

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