Friday, January 23, 2009

Lesson 23: Setting Expectations- Stacy Wells offers FREE Coaching for 30 Days.

Think back to a time in your life where you feel as if you have had less than desirable results. As you are remembering that circumstance, think about what made you feel that your results were undesirable. Why is it that at that particular time you felt as if you had failed? What was your situation “supposed” to look like in order for you to succeed?

You will always be able to answer these questions with answers that do one of two things… First, you could answer as a victim. Or, you could answer as the person who could do more. Either way you are setting yourself up for disappointment. As you have learned from previous lessons, being the victim will absolutely create unsuccessful results in your life. The same is true for the person who expects the world from him/herself. You see, you are the only person who gets to be in command of the expectations you place on yourself and others. As you place expectations upon yourself that are out of reach, you end up being one giant let down to yourself. The same is true when you place expectations onto others. When they don’t behave in such a way that meets your expectations, you become upset, angry, disappointed, hurt, sad, or you may even end up resenting that person.

The trick is to allow yourself and others to just “BE”. When you allow yourself to just be, it is saying that you absolutely know your own potential, and yet you will not place a starting or stopping point on it. You know that you will be successful, but, it doesn’t have to “look” a certain way. You are allowing yourself to flourish without placing your expectations on yourself and others. As you allow yourself and others to stand in your own greatness without placing expectations, you will find that the amount of growth you experience is exponential!

For today, I want you to make a list of at least 20 expectations you place upon yourself, and at least 20 expectations you place on others around you. They could be about your spouse, your children, your friends, your boss, or anyone else. As you write out these expectations, I want you to place an “S” next to the expectations which serve your highest good. As for the ones that do not have an “S” beside them, they are the ones that you get to let go of. Free yourself of these expectations, because they are what is holding you back from achieving all that you desire. You will find that as you let go of the unworthy expectations in your life, you will cultivate new relationships and new miracles in your life.

Allow yourself to Let go, and just BE!!

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Thank You!

*To be personally coached by Stacy Wells, or to bring her into your corporation, act NOW by contacting her at 801-656-9728.
Your life is waiting!

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