Friday, January 16, 2009

Lesson 16: The Power of Relationships- Stacy Wells offers 30 Days of FREE Coaching

Relationships are the one thing that every person in this world has in common. Each person has a relationship with either them self, with others, or with their own divine source. Relationships are a crucial part of our well-being. As human beings, our hearts long for closeness. We long for that feeling of intimacy, that everlasting bond to either someone or something. As relational beings, when you allow negativity to build up in our relationships, either with ourselves, with others, or our divine source, what you are actually doing, is preventing yourself from having the positive vibration that allows healthy relationships. Essentially you are cutting off your life supply. Think of it like this… When you are watering your plants with the garden hose and a full water supply, the plants grow to be big, beautiful and healthy. But, when there’s a kink in the hose, it cuts off the water that the plants need to grow. For a while, the plants will seem fine, but eventually, they will wither away. We are the same. Our relationships are the water that allows us to grow. Without an ample, positive supply, we too will whither away. It’s the positive vibrations and experiences that we have with our relationships that enable us to live a full and healthy life. Take time today to mend old relationships. That might mean that you will have to mend your relationship with yourself. It also might mean that you get to mend them with others. However it will look for you today, know that as you heal these relationships, you are giving yourself the opportunity to maintain a more affirmative energy flow into your life.

1 comment:

Tana said...

This is so true. I am going to use this for a lesson with my students, yes you will get the credit. I have enjoyed your lessons.