Monday, January 5, 2009

Lesson 5: Thoughts Are Things- Stacy Wells Provides Free 30 Day Coaching

"Thought manifest as the word. Word manifests as the deed. Deeds form into habit. Habit hardens character."

— The Buddha
Spiritual Teacher and Founder of Buddhism

Your thoughts are things! Whatever thought you allow in your mind you are either consciously or unconsciously manifesting in your life. Think about a time in your life when you really, really wanted something. Maybe it was a bike that you had to save up for as a kid, or maybe it was that brand new house that you have always dreamed of. Perhaps it was the perfect mate, or an abundance of health. Whatever it was, it started as a thought. It is also true for the very things in life which you do not want! As you allow certain thoughts, they begin radiating a vibration out to the universe, which is then answered in the form of a YES! You say to yourself you’re broke, the answer is YES. When you say to yourself you’re unhappy, the answer is YES. When you allow thoughts of absolute abundance, joy and happiness, the answer is YES. You see you have no control over the universe, but you do have control over your thoughts. Start now by going deep within yourself and creating thoughts of prosperity and harmony for this New Year. When you have a thought that is anything less than who you want to be, take a moment and silently thank your thought for it’s contribution, then picture a large eraser in your mind, and erase that negative thought away. As you begin to change your thought process, take notice of how life around you begins to change as well. For when you fill your mind with positive thoughts, you have no choice but to fulfill them!

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