Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lesson 20: Your Results, Your Way- Stacy Wells offers FREE Coaching for 30 Days

In life you can choose to live day by day, taking one step at a time, and one day at a time, or you can choose to live each day by an outcome which you have already chosen. When you live one day at a time, basically what you are telling your sub-conscious mind is that you’re not quite sure what it is that you want to do in life, but you do know that you want to make it through the day. You make decisions based on that particular day, and the things you need to do to get it over with. Living from the outcome is much different. You choose an outcome that you desire out of your life, and you live in such a way that will enable you to have exactly what it is that you want. When you are living from your outcome, you tend to make decisions based on inspiration. Whereas, if you are living day by day, you tend to make irrational decisions based on desperation. When you begin living a life based on a desired outcome, you become more aware of the things that need to happen in order for you to succeed, and you begin to live as if they had already happened. For example, if one of your desires is that you loose 50 pounds this year, you would not be living from the outcome if you are stopping by McDonald’s every other day for lunch because you didn’t take one to work with you. If you were living from the outcome, meaning that you have already lost those 50 pounds, would you be stopping at a fast food restaurant for lunch on a regular basis? No, you wouldn’t. If you were truly living from the outcome, you would have packed a nutritious lunch and eaten it at work. You would also be working out regularly, and making proper choices to maintain your healthy lifestyle. You would be acting out of inspiration, rather than stopping by the fat factory for lunch, and acting out of desperation.

As you begin to make the transition over to living from the outcome, rather than day by day, I challenge you to be extremely conscious of the choices you are making. Ask yourself every time you make a decision whether the answer will catapult you towards your outcome of true results, or whether it will keep you trapped in your day to day life. If in fact it will assist you in living from the outcome you desire, go for it. If not, choose another way! Choose a life in which you get to decide. Choose to create a path of success! Choose inspiration!

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Thank You!

*To be personally coached by Stacy Wells, or to bring her into your corporation, act NOW by contacting her at 801-656-9728.
Your life is waiting!

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