Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lesson 25: The Angel within- Stacy Wells offers FREE Coaching for 30 Days

“I saw the angel in the marble and I carved until I set him free.”

That was Michelangelo talking about how he approached his work as a sculptor. He didn’t build the statue, in other words, but got rid of the unnecessary stuff that was surrounding it. He absolutely knew that beyond what the eye could see was a beautiful being, waiting to soar. So what is the marble in your life? What is it that you must work through in order to free yourself, and allow your heart and spirit to guide you? Perhaps you are still hanging onto that bit of resentment towards someone you love, or maybe you haven’t fully forgiven yourself. Whatever it is, it’s holding you back from achieving your true potential. Review the previous exercises if need be, and truly dig deep into your heart. Continue each day to improve and progress in your life. Just as Michelangelo did, I suggest that you try this approach in 2009. You have the potential to create miracles in your life by chiseling away the extraneous material that’s obscuring your own unique beauty. It is right in front of you, waiting to take form, all you need to do is allow yourself to see the angel that you are.

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*To be personally coached by Stacy Wells, or to bring her into your corporation, act NOW by contacting her at 801-656-9728.

Your life is waiting!

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